Welcome to Day 1

Welcome to the very first day of this 7-day intuition course.  

This is mini-course is geared to get you “playing” more with your intuition. Each day you will be given some description and instruction on the “intuitive” sense we will be working with that day, and then you will be provided with a short exercise you can do to work with that area.

This first audio will set up the exercise for the day.  It is a recorded version of what is written on this page – just in case you prefer to listen rather than to read.  .

Here is the audio. Enjoy.

After you listen, scroll down to access the exercise, a brief discussion, and the key takeaways.  Enjoy

Some Important Points to Review:

1. Accessing your intuition is a skill.

Actually, it is a set of skills, as there are many ways to access your intuitive abilities, and some will come more naturally to you than others.

2. Rarely do any two people have the exact same intuitive abilities.

Just like rarely do any two people have the same physical abilities. Some people have a very keen sense of hearing. Others smell things from miles away. Generally, the same people do not excel at everything all at once.

3. Some of our most well-known intuitive abilities are very much intertwined with our “physical” abilities.

Many aspects of our “6th sense”, or “intuitive ability” are in some way an extension of our physical being i.e “seeing”. Instead of using our eyes to see we can use our imagination to see. But we are still “looking”. And much of what we see in our imagination is recognizable to us because we have at one time seen it with our physical eyes.

4. We can all develop our intuitive abilities, much like we can develop our physical abilities.

For example, we can practice “seeing” things in great detail – working on our vision. It just takes a bit of commitment each day, and before long we will improve. We can also work with our mental abilities. We can improve our memory. We can improve on our ability to solve mathematical equations. We can learn to play a musical instrument. We can learn to dance. We simply have to want to do it. And we have to practice. Our Intuitive abilities can be expanded in much the same way.

5. Focus and Awareness are very important keys

While it is great to work on our skill sets, “tuning in” to our surroundings is very important. What is going on around us?

For the next 7 days we are going to play some games and do some exercises. Some you will be good at, – it will come naturally to you. Some you may not be as familiar with. Try everything, and just have fun with it. We are just here to play.

Exercise: Thinking of Someone

This is just a fun game to play to get us started.

Listen to your first exercise here: (Or simply read on)

Think of someone you know and like, with whom you do not speak to on a daily basis. (If it’s someone you always talk to anyway you won’t know whether this worked or not).

Think of them in a very fond, loving manner. Think of something exciting you did together, or some occasion when you were both relaxed and laughing. Find a moment in your memories where you felt very close to this person.

Now. Compose a text, an email, or a Facebook message. Just say something like.. “I was just thinking of you. We should get together sometime soon.” DO NOT SEND IT. But note the day and time that you created the message. Save the message. Then, simply go about your day. See how long it takes for that person to contact you.

Tomorrow you will be reminded to send that message or email to the person you were thinking about.   If you send it today you will not allow them enough time to receive the “message” you sent energetically.   Energy transmission kind of works like texting someone.  Some people are always looking at their phones, and their texts and will receive their messages right away.  Some people look at their texts less frequently and will not pick up on your warm thoughts until later.  Be patient.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

Why think of someone we haven’t seen for awhile?    Because if you see them every day then they will probably be thinking about you anyway.

Does it matter where they are?  No, they could be anywhere in the world.  If they are receptive, they will probably feel you are thinking of them.

Does it have to be positive thoughts?   Positive thoughts are good.  Positive emotion is better.   We tend to respond to positive energy, whereas we tend to block or ignore thoughts that would irritate us.

Do people respond to negative thoughts?  They can.  Being in the room with a grumpy person can definitely affect one’s mood at times.  It depends on how aware you are about your environment and what affects you.

How do we not be affected by negative thoughts or emotions?   Learn to acknowledge that you may be exposed and that it is not your only option as an experience.  Learn ways to shift your own energy regardless of your surrounding environment.    This may take time.  We will discuss this much more down the road.

How are we going to know whether they “felt” us or thought about us?    If they don’t call you or send you a note in the next 24 hours you are going to contact them and see what they say.

Is this an invasive thing to do?  Is this right?   We all have free choice.  You are sending loving thoughts… that may or may not be received.

We are all connected.  We pick up each other’s thoughts and energy regardless of whether we are conscious of it or not.   If someone exhales – we are potentially exposed to that air.   Whatever someone radiates energetically – we are potentially exposed.

And yes, it should make us all think long and hard about the energy we “put out there”.    And it’s not enough to simply discuss the impact of negative thoughts or emotions – think about the possibilities if we each took the time to put out some very positive uplifting emotions for those around us.  Every day.

Key Takeaways From This Exercise:

  • Love travels farther than hate. When you think of someone in a positive way, it reaches further and has more opportunity to be received.
  • We all have free choice. If we are busy and distracted we may not notice things around us. When we are more relaxed and open, we are more able to receive ideas and insights.
  • It doesn’t matter where we are. Our connection to each other can transcend distance and time.
  • As long as you are a human on this earth you cannot avoid being impacted by energies around you.
  • Shutting down and ignoring your surroundings does not stop the existence of energy around you. And, in fact, isolating yourself limits your set of opportunities and makes you more vulnerable to “shady salesmen” who may wish you to think or behave in the manner that suits them, but does not benefit you.
  • Awareness is key. If you are aware of your environment, you are able to choose what you pay attention to. And therefore the experience you have. This may take practice. But it is the only way to create the life you truly desire.

That’s it for TODAY. Please check your email TOMORROW for the next exercise. It should arrive in your inbox around the same time each day.

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