Hello and welcome to Day 2.

This is a 7 part mini-course which is geared to help you tap into your intuition. Yesterday we did a simple exercise. We had you think of someone you knew with whom you didn’t speak to regularly.

Did they contact you yet? If they didn’t, send off that text or email you composed yesterday and see what kind of response you get from them. Often they will mention that they “were just thinking about you yesterday”.

Today we are working with vision. Have fun!

Let’s Get Started With Day 2

How are you with your sense of observation?  Do you look directly at things? Could you describe a bank robber accurately to the police if you saw his face? Do you easily recall where objects are located in a room after you leave the room?

If visual observation isn’t your primary form of observation, then your first, or “go-to” intuitive sense will likely not be visual. But everything can be developed over time. So don’t be too hard on yourself in the beginning.

There are different forms of “seeing things”. There is the ability to see things with your eyes open in the vision range that many humans cannot see (but that many animals CAN see, and many cameras can pick up.) Then there is the concept of closing your eyes and looking at things as if they were on an imaginary screen. Similar to what you see when you dream.    

Today we will discuss the question of trying to see things “that aren’t really there”. In actual fact, we, as humans, see only a fraction of what is really out there. And in our lifetimes we will never have the ability to see the entire spectrum. But we do still have the ability to see a much greater spectrum of things than we currently allow ourselves to see, and that is what we will work on today. 

 There is a story about when Christopher Columbus visited Easter Island. The natives of the Island couldn’t see the ships anchored off their shores. Even after the captain and his crew rowed their life boats to shore and introduced themselves to the islanders and TOLD them where they had come from. The only ones on the island who saw the ships were the medicine men. To everyone else this was such a foreign concept they simply couldn’t wrap their minds around it. The way to punch through this barrier it to open your mind to alternate possibilities, and to practice.

Today’s exercise is recorded for you in an audio file you can click on below. Have some fun with it and don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t get too much the first time!

Exercise: Vision

Listen to the exercise here: (Or simply read on)

Step One

Rub your hands together to get the energy flowing.

Step Two

Take your two index fingers and point them at each other, a slight distance apart. Can you see the energy waves transferring between your fingers? Can you see the energy around each finger?

You are looking to see if you can spot energy fields around your body. It can sometimes look like heat waves coming off of the pavement – distortions in your vision. It can be transparent, but perhaps you can notice movement or a change in density around people or objects. If your are really advanced, you will be able to see colors as well.

Have you ever seen the Heat rising off the highway on a hot day?

For now, just focus on seeing if you can spot energy distortions, and perhaps opaque fields around areas in your body.

As an advanced exercise, try looking at yourself in the mirror. Focus on your upper body and the area around your head. Can you see any waves of energy? Also try this exercise with a partner. Can either of you see anything?

Recap of Today’s Exercise


The above is a picture of the Northern Lights look like from space. What we can notice is how the lights, or the energy formations, are not uniform. This is the case with all energy, whether we can see it with our eyes, or whether we simply can “feel” it with other senses… it is not uniform.

The northern lights tend to move quite quickly through the skies, and are constantly in motion. They do not sit in any one spot for long. There are also peaks and valleys in the light output, and the colors can be varied through time.

Our Human energy fields are similar in the sense that we are also emitters of light… and that our Light Bodies are constantly in motion. Also, we are always showing off our colors for those who can see, and these colors can and will change.


Our colors are varied. They have some constants to them over time, but they are always accented by the “color of the day” or “color of the hour”… Meaning our auras are never one solid color, the colors are always in motion, and depending on our mood or the activities we are engaged in on any given day our accent colors could be very different.

As an example as to why we may exhibit one color over another, consider the different activities you engage in over the course of a day. If you are working physically hard, you may show more reds and oranges in certain areas of your aura, as these colors support power and strength. If you are sitting quietly and meditating, you may exhibit more blues and purples. If you are out sitting outside in nature, perhaps you will exude more greens.

There is no “right” or “wrong” color. The question is, rather, does a particular color support you in what you are currently doing? In fact, we can use colors in our environment to support our activities. A rich, vibrant yellow or orange kitchen can promote festivity and delight in cooking. A blue kitchen, on the other hand, may be uninspiring and too mellow for the creative chef. Conversely, you may not desire a vibrant yellow bedroom because you would not sleep well. More mellow, calming colors would be more suitable in this case. Our energy fields can more easily adjust and resonate with our surroundings if the colors around us match our mood or intention.

At the moment, there are not as many people on the earth that can see the colors of our auras without using a special camera to do so. However, it is a skill that is available to us. If you really want to practice seeing auras and colors on a daily basis, the odds are you will be able to develop that skill.

Key Takeaways From the Vision Exercise:

  • We CAN train ourselves to see beyond what we currently see
  • Initially we may only be aware of “distortions”, but eventually we will be able to see more detail, like colors and various wave patterns of energy flows.
  • Energy is always moving. Nothing is static. Sometimes our auras can look a bit like the Northern lights in terms of the movement of energy around u

That’s it for TODAY. Please check your email TOMORROW for the next exercise. It should arrive in your inbox around the same time each day.

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