When something makes absolutely no sense to me, there are generally three questions I ask myself:
- Am I missing something? Is there another perspective that I cannot currently see?, or
- Does this person have some blockages in perspective, possibly from religious programming or such?, or
- Is this person simply Batshit Crazy?
Sometimes everyone is correct, even though they may vehemently disagree. It\’s all how you look at it.

Back in the early 2000\’s, I was desperately searching for any information I could find about this \”awakening\” process. At the time, good information was a little bit harder to come by. Most bookstores I went to, you had to wind your way all they way to the back where, hidden away in the corner would be what was called the \”Occult\” section. Colloquially translated to mean \”only weirdos shop in this section\”. In actual fact, the term Occult simply means \”supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.\” But in the early 2000\’s this was not a popular topic. This was several years before works like Harry Potter cracked that box wide open.
Most Often, People Get Some Things Right, And Some Things Need More Exploration
I was craving information, and I found many books written over the previous decade, most only sharing elements that I resonated with, and often sharing concepts and ideas I did not at all resonate with. It was a challenge finding enough good content to quench my thirst. More often than not, I had to settle for \”half truths\”. Meaning you have to sift through a story or a dissertation that have some real gems, but it is all mixed up in some dogma I was not at all interested in.
As I poured over all of these publications, I would continuously place the author into one of three categories: Is this person very advanced, and it is me who simply does not understand fully and therefore I should be patient and learn more?, or, Is this person mixed ….generally they have a lot of good ideas and concepts that I can agree with, but at times they are regurgitating religious/societal programming that doesn\’t quite fit?, or is this person just Batshit Crazy?
One book I came across was One by Richard Bach. At first I thought he might be Batshit Crazy. The book is all about alternate timelines and alternate realities. Looking back, of course, he had a lot of things correct. At the time, the book was a struggle for me to read. He classified it as fiction. It was a story. And I\’m sure if he brushed it up bit he could re-release it today and it would end up being a best seller. Everyone, it seems, is talking about such things these days. And there are many movies and TV series centered around this very concept.
During this time period I read a lot of books written by Psychic Mediums, and books about Near Death Experiences. I give a lot of credit to those who wrote about near death experiences back in that time period. They opened themselves up to a lot of ridicule. For the most part, these authors often fell into category II. Their stories were honest, and there were countless hidden gems of information, yet a lot of what they saw and experienced was tempered by their cultural/societal/religious outlook or beliefs. It was the classic \”take what resonates, and set down the rest\”. Even some of the psychic mediums, who tended to have a broader perspective on the subject, still had some underlying programming that would show up every once in awhile.
I remember specifically one time I read a chapter in a book James Van Praagh wrote in the 1990s. Granted, this was one of his earlier works, and he may have changed his perspective over the years, but at the time he wrote this chapter discussing Suicide. And his conclusion was that those who committed suicide were stuck on the earth plane until their \”commitment\” to the earth was over….meaning their soul was stuck here until their pre-determined actual time of death was reached. So – his message was \”don\’t commit suicide, you won\’t escape this experience and now it\’s even worse because you\’re stuck here without a body\”. I had heard the concept before, but every time I heard someone say this I had a very real problem with it.
There was a point of time in my life that I realized, that in some fashion, we are all committing \”suicide\”. Or, we are being murdered. What is \”natural causes\” anyways? For example, sometimes we knowingly expose ourselves to dangers… either physical like cliff jumping or speed racing, or by ingesting toxins, drugs, radiation and substances we know can shorten our lives but we do it anyway. On the other hand, no matter how hard we try to AVOID all dangerous situations, there are situations on this earth plane where we simply end up in the wrong place at the wrong time and we are exposed to either physical dangers, or toxic chemicals that we didn\’t know was there until it was too late. There is always lots of blame to go around. Sometimes it is 50/50 whose fault it is. But the bottom line is, it just doesn\’t make sense that there is this strong delineation between those who commit suicide and those who supposedly don\’t. I can appreciate that there are many souls…whether they commit suicide or not, that either don\’t know they\’re dead, or feel so guilty and/or afraid that they do not find their way out of this dimension in a timely fashion. A great movie that illustrates this phenonium is Robin Williams in What Dreams May Come. A beautiful illustration of \”state of mind\” and how powerful this affects our perception of what \”is\”.
Even the people we set aside as \”gurus\”, or \”respected trailblazers\” in a subject, will not get everything right all the time. We are all learning. Even though there was content in all of these books that I did not resonate with, or agree with, I am grateful that they had the courage to tackle the subject at all. They put themselves our there, and I was able to benefit.
Agree to Disagree, and Focus on the Connection
The bottom line is that MOST people on this planet fall into category II. They have valuable information and perspectives to share, but often it is mixed up and jumbled up with programming they don\’t even know they have. Generally speaking, it is not a good idea to call people out on their programming. It simply creates resistance, and the person will cling to their beliefs even stronger. In order for our world to prosper, the best approach is to glean the good parts that you can resonate with, and simply set aside the stuff you don\’t. Steer the conversation to something that is open and uplifting. Steer away from topics that suck the life out of you.
Which leads me back to the opening question. How do I know if someone is just far more advanced than me, or is simply Batshit Crazy? My conclusion is that there is a very fine line. Some crazy people are incredibly intelligent, and have had some fascinating experiences. But, often their life is fraught with chaos.
I have found, over the years, that the best strategy is to exercise a bit of caution, and steer away from the \”crazy\” ones. Dealing with the crazies all day can be exhausting, and for the most part it\’s just not worth it. The more you are able to relax and simply stay on your path, the more open you will be to alternate perspectives. The learning will come quickly. And the more energized you will feel at the same time.
Most newly awakened souls end up with a number of crazies in their life. We are a magnet. So, if you find yourself in a situation surrounded by chaos and instability…don\’t be too hard on yourself. You are a magnet. They will not stop being drawn to you. If you find yourself intertwined with a Batshit Crazy person, perhaps go find yourself a cute little one room apartment for yourself where there is absolutely NO ROOM for visitors or chaotic situations. Hide. Until it blows over.