Can Books Contain \”Dark Energy\”?

I was reading a headline today and it suggested we should be very careful what we read because books can contain \”dark energy\” that could harm this.

I found this statement unsettling.   Not because there isn\’t an element of truth in this statement.  The point is, if the statement had been entirely false, I would have dismissed it outright.  But, because there was an element of truth in it, the statement really bothered me.

Perspective is everything

Have you ever tried something new, and adventurous?    Have you every gone Ziplining?  Kayaking?  Hiking?  Swimming?   

Everything we do in life has its trade-offs.    We exchange an element of  risk for the experience we have on this earth.  Even getting out

of bed in the morning carries its own set of risks.  No matter how miniscle that might be.

The ultimate question is, are you willing to move forward, to face your day, to hold out to the prospect of having an adventure or would you prefer to cower in the corner waiting for whatever comes your way?

Bring Back Your Inner Child

Remember being a kid?    Children are so excited to experience this earth.   They crawl.  They walk.  They run.    Each new experience is a little bit challenging, but they are up for the challenge.     When did we lose that excitement?  That zest to try new things.

Yes, sometimes we fall down.  The key is to learn to weigh your surroundings, and the activities you are undertaking.  This is what our parents do for us.  They provide an environment where we can learn and grow safely, where the bigger badder things cant hurt us.  And as we learn more about the world, we gain more and more freedom to go further and do more things.  face new challenges on our own.   This is the way it should be.  Stretch our limits.  Not carelessless.  So that there is nothing we cannot handle.

Back to the Books.

Yes, everything has energy.  Including books.   When you touch something, when you read something, there is energy in it.    What if we were taught at a very young age that everything had energy?    Some things would make us feel comfortable, and some things would not make us feel comfortable?  What is we were guided to hone our own \”guidance system\” so that as we were exploring this vast universe we would know what we desired, what activities, interactions and objects gave us strength, and what detracted?

Then we wouldnt have to \”warn\” anyone about dark energies.  If we picked up a book and started reading it and it \”felt dark\”, we would simply put it down.  We could make this decision ourselves.  Based on our own experience.  We would not make our decision based on what  \”other people told us\”.   We would know to weigh it for ourselves.

The problem with blanket statements of \”this is good\” and \”this is bad\” is that most often the person telling you to FEAR something is in fact the \”dark energy\” who is trying to steer you away from something  good and replace it with something bad.  It doesn\’t make sense to many.  Why would someone trying to help me steer me toward something bad?     

The answer is that things are not always what they seem.  When people stand to benefit, or are paid a \”commission\” for getting others to act in a certain way, often their compromise their morals to \”make a quick buck\”.  They may consider their impact on the overall world to be so small, and their need to \”get by\” so great, that a small compromise is OK.   It is not as important for us to judge the why or the what, but to simply be aware that some are guided this way, and to not partake.   if everyone on the planet practiced awareness, than these tactics would no longer work and the way commerce was done would change.   We don\’t have to focus on the wrong to make things right.  We must focus on our own ability to practice discernment and go towards what\’s \”right\”.

If everyone was armed with the ability to be discerning, the free market would, on its own, weed out the \”bad books\”.   They simply would no longer exist.  Because even if people picked them up and started reading them, they would know that it \”didn\’t feel right\” and they would move on.        


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