Wall? Build a Wall?

Walls are interesting.

I think the China experience was that the guards were easy to bribe because they were in the middle of nowhere guarding this thing and along comes some people with caviar and champagne… like, who\’s gonna know? So there was a lot of \”leakage\”.

But I guess in the very long run it kind of paid off for them.   A number of years ago, when I went to Beijing as a tourist – the one thing I did was visit the wall… who wouldn\’t?….. They\’ve built all sorts of amusements and attractions on and along the wall.    It is now big bucks for the tourist industry…

The Berlin Wall

I was, of course, not a fan at all of the Berlin wall – that they basically erected overnight – and many people died over that one – but in that case they literally divided an entire city in half kinda like a bunch of lab rats and instituted two diff policies – I guess to see which one thrived?

And the people on either side were literally blood relatives so that one was pretty in-humane. If you asked me 30 years ago I would have said NO! – no way – no walls – that is totally regressive….

I actually purchased a little souvenir piece of the Berlin wall when I was there in the early 90\’s.   I know, the things tourists will purchase.  All nicely glued to a plastic holder with commemorative writing on it.    But the wall coming down had a big impact on me at the time, and when I was there I just felt it was a neat little thing to remember the experience by.

Europe Today

However, today,  I see what they have done to Sweden, France, the UK, Germany and pretty much all of Europe with the flood of migrants – purposely uprooted from their home countries to create this de-stablilization.

The migrants, for the most part, are but pawns in a much larger war. Until the larger crime against humanity of invading other countries and uprooting their citizens is halted, – walls and border guards could slow things down a bit…… but really, in the long run, we should really be focusing on the crimes committed against the migrants in their own lands and put a halt to them.

Do You Have a Fence Around Your Own Property?

Where I grew up, in a small town, we really didn\’t have a lot of fences between properties… unless people had a dog. Then they would go to the trouble and the expense to build a fence. One little benefit to not having a fence is that it made it much easier to mow the lawn.

But in a small town, people didn\’t typically walk on your lawn, camp on your lawn, or try to destroy your property. If they did, your \”nosey\” neighbours would be quick to point out who exactly did it and generally their mothers would be getting a phone call about what their kid had been up to that day.

Basically, we respected each other\’s property and we looked out for one another. Therefore, we didn\’t really feel the need to go to the trouble and expense of erecting tall fences.

On the other hand, when I purchased a house in a larger city, I noticed that if I did not have a fence in my back yard, I had a literal onslaught of homeless people walking into my back yard, picking through my belongings, and walking away with anything of value. Their rule of thumb was, that if I didn\’t have a barrier to entry… well, it was pretty much an invitation to come in. The lack of wall somehow was a message that I wanted to \”share\”. Not that a fence slowed everyone down, but it made them think twice before coming in the yard, and it made it very difficult to make off with larger items like say barbq\’s.

So, yes, I built a \”wall\”. I had to.

History Tells a Tale

The Theme that keeps coming up for me is that in the 1860\’s the UK tried to take over China by \”hooking\” all of its citizens on Opium. That is how the UK took control of Hong Kong for 100 years.

Fast forward to today. There are those in the Chinese \”Empire\” (and elsewhere) that have long memories. They are not remorseful at all about trying to take over America by hooking its citizens on Herione and other such things – it is merely payback in a very long war that we do not all understand.

This drug \”war\” is not merely some kingpins getting rich off of selling drugs. it is much bigger. It is an economic war. And the stakes are very high. Even the Mexican drug cartels are not the ringleaders, they serve but one arm of a larger operation.

The \”perpetrators\” want the land. They want the resources. They want the Ports. Hong Kong was a very strategic asset for the UK. California is a very strategic asset for the Chinese.

Have an Asset? In our current 3D world, there is always someone who would love to steal It.

The mentality of \”raping and pillaging\” is very old, and hopefully, we as a society, are moving away from it. But we should not be so naive as to think that is doesn\’t still exist, and that we should protect ourselves from those who would do us harm.

The game of \”raping and pillaging\” is about Assets, ultimately. And land is an asset. Getting the citizens to essentially vacate their rights to their own land is worth a lot to those who pursue this strategy. Look at Zimbabwe. The citizens were convinced that the root of all evil was the \”white farmer\”. So they kicked out all their \”white farmers\” 5 years ago – and now they have no food. Now China has graciously came in and offered to supply the starving people with food in exchange for preferential access to resources – and land of course. South Africa is \”in play\” right now as well, with the same tactics being used.

California, among other things, is (was) a \”breadbasket\”. Sure, the US has oil. But what about food? It\’s all GMO, Glycosphate, or some other toxic poison in it.  The idea is to get the long term residents to die, get dementia, or to move on because they are just fed up with the high taxes and poor government polices. They can then flood the place with younger, cheaper labour, that can be controlled better, buy up all the land, and make new policies for the raping and pillaging of what lies beneath.

In order to see the perspective that a Wall across the southern border is necessary, one must believe that in some respects there is a war going on. Even though no-one has officially declared a war. Humans are being used as mere pawns in this game. The \”so called\” migrants are literally being handed large sums of money to march towards the border and cross over, putting immeasurable pressure on systems and resources of the current residents of the land. They really have nothing to lose, and feel they have much to gain because it is one of the best paying \”jobs\” they may have had in awhile.

Citizens Against The Wall Are Not \”Wrong\” – From Their Perspective

The \”normal\” people who see no point in the wall, do not believe there is a war going on, and they mostly just want the world to be a peaceful, harmonious place. They want the hatred and bickering to stop, and believe that open borders is part of the solution. They experience the inconvenience of all this increased security when they travel. The burden on humanity from all these processes and procedures. So, from their perspective, borders and increased security is counter-productive. It is \”more government\” taking away their rights and freedoms.

But Politicians Against the Wall Have Much to Lose

One has to understand how it is that politicians are actually compensated, as opposed to how we are \”told\” they are compensated. This \”two tiered system\” is nothing new. This has been going on a very long time. Isn\’t it interesting that politicians are excessively wealthy after several years in office – far beyond what their salaries would indicate? Are they just \”savvy investors\” and made some really good investment decisions during their tenure in office? Or is there more going on?

The most common and oldest game in the book for politicians is dabbling in real estate. Because politicians have access to zoning decisions, road improvement projects, sewer and water expansion decisions, and building permit decisions. This can make or break a large developer. And this can accelerate the property value of an otherwise common landowner. In the \”old days\” this was by far the biggest area of influence and \”pay for play\” politicians dabbled in.

But today there are so many other businesses that are heavily impacted by government decisions. Pharmaceutical companies re: which drug gets approved and recommended. And even mandated. Chemical companies re: what gets banned and what gets recommended. Food companies. Cosmetic companies. Anything that is regulated has a vested interest in becoming a politician\’s \”best friend\”.

But it goes even deeper than that. Wars pay. Who does war pay? Weapons manufacturers for sure. But also the act of war uproots citizens and makes land available for the extraction of resources. And perhaps a change of land use. Since the Vietnam war we have all known that part of the reason to keep the war going is that the military planes were being used to transport drugs such as cocaine back from the war zone. The fields which had previously grown food crops for its citizens were turned over to cultivate poppies. The sale of these drugs was, and still is, a massive funder of certain underground operations and is simply used to make a lot of people wealthy.

Open Borders Would Be Great, But…

Open borders are the solution when everyone acts responsibly, and no-one is trying to take over each other\’s land or other assets. But \”open borders\” doesn\’t work when large, well-funded organizations have a plan that goes counter to the interests of humanity. In general, there are still those on this planet whose only focus is on getting that much richer. And invading countries is one way to do this. In this instance, the wall certainly slows the process of the take-over down. It isn\’t the only thing that needs to be done, of course. But it could help in the short term. The larger issue must still be dealt with.

An Interesting Perspective I Found From Another Author:

\”Why is the Global compact about emptying out the third world rather than helping it prosper????? Because they want the people enslaved or dead on the trip and the resources of these countries available for them to take as they wish and the people are in their way.

Kill two birds with one stone – enslave the ones you use as pawns to over run and at same time enslave the ones you are over running. All the while sipping champagne in your villa. Brilliant.

All of the busses, all of the boats, all of the marches need to be diverted to the handful of individuals pulling the strings on this Villas, yachts and hideouts and have these masses gather at their gates and see how that goes for them. It was Soros who bragged about spending over 500 million on migrants. Too bad he did not use it in their home countries – that is the over 50,000 per person they are referring to. Lets deliver them all to his Gates to ask him for a refund.\”

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