To Be \”Known\”
When I was first waking up, I didn\’t know much about anything to do with religion, spirituality, the earth\’s ancient history, Ascension, Starseeds…. you name it; I had not heard of any of it. Interestingly, the one thing that I was most fearful of at the time was that my \”cover\” was being blown. That I would go hang our with spiritual people, and because I assumed all spiritual people were also psychic – that they would automatically just \”know\” me. This thought scared me. Yes, to be \”known\” can be good – it can make one feel more connected and more included. But, if not everyone or everything has good intentions, this can also be disarming and detrimental. In peace time, when universal love is predominant, being \”known\” is a very good thing. In times of war, that is the last thing you want. The earth has spent a great deal of time in battle, therefore being \”known\”, and exposed can be a very scary concept to an old soul.
What I very quickly realized, is that no, that is not the case. Just because someone says they are spiritual does not mean they know anything about anything. And it doesn\’t even mean they have honed their psychic or intuitive senses whatsoever. What I soon realized is that some of the least \”spiritual\” people I know are more intuitive, and more \”real\”, than many people I met in \”spiritual circles\”. It is not about what you SAY you are, or where you hang out,… it is about your own personal journey, and where you are \”at\”, regardless of what you put on your resume.
We Are All \”Known\”
I have since found out, that, on some levels, we are all \”known\”. Yes, we can get upset about the upcoming 5G and satellite surveillance systems being put in place to track all humans everywhere… and for good reason. We know this tracking of humanity is not going to be used for benevolent purposes. But, for many, (mostly off-planet), the ability to track all humans simply based on their energy signature has been in place since the beginning of time. The secret to accessing this is that one must come at it from a certain vibrational level.
The ability to track human energy fields simply requires sensing fields beyond our regular human senses. Most humans on the planet at this time have not developed the skills, or the physical qualities, to enable this ability. That doesn\’t mean the potential is not there to \”see\”, \”hear\”, or \”feel\” people. In fact, the technology they are currently developing is no match for the \”true\” sensing arrays we humans have the ability to develop for ourselves. The problem with the technology, of course, it that it is \”cheating\” in that the creators and users of this technology do not have to surpass certain levels of ascension in order to use the equipment. Therefore it is inevitable that it ends up being used for nefarious purposes.
Once again, I will say, I was surprised that this ability \”to know\” people was not as common as I once thought. I believed that if somebody said they were spiritual, then that meant they would just \”know\” everything about everyone. I thought that\’s what it meant to be spiritual. I thought it meant that one had reached a certain vibrational level, and also (and more importantly), a certain level of benevolence. I didn\’t realize that I was just at the beginning of a very long journey of awakening. That there was so many facets to it. So many nuances. So many things to know – that my mind could not possibly comprehend at the time. So many things to experience – that I had not ever been introduced to before. So many alternate perspectives too consider – that I had never even been aware of. This is not something that can happen overnight.
We All Have a Unique Set of Skills, Experiences, Perspectives
I realized that different people have developed different skill sets, have had different experiences, have different perspectives that they can draw from, but that very few on this planet have access to a \”complete picture\”, or a complete set of \”superpowers\”. We are all unique. We are all coming at this from different angles. We have each come a long way in our development. But we all have a lot further to go.
What this also means, is that if we could plow through our differences and come together as a unit for certain missions, projects or purposes, our combined strength and ability to summon or to manifest prosperity for the planet is insurmountable. Divided we are somewhat weak. Together we are a formidable force.
Not Everyone Does \”What is Right\” All of the Time
The second thing that took me aback as I was going down the awakening path was the realization that not all who had developed a certain level of enlightenment were benevolent – especially \”all of the time\”. (Some not at all). This revelation took me quite awhile to process. Just because someone could \”see\” more than I could, did not mean they always had my, or the planet\’s, best interests in mind. Just like in the comic books, where the villains often also have superpowers, being powerful does not automatically make you a good person. This was a very big upset for me.
Sometimes when we are tired, or under stress, we make sub-optimal decisions. And our decisions have repercussion on our lives – either financially or physically or both. For example – maybe you know eating at McDonalds is not so good for you. But you are hungry, you\’re in a hurry, so you do it anyway. And then because of your very sensitive digestive track, you end up with diarrhea later. We all do these things. It is part of being human. We make bad decisions even when we know better.
Sometimes the decisions we make affect other people. Maybe we are having a bad day and we yell at our child. We know better. We know there is a better way to handle the situation than becoming angry and yelling. Logic and reason is often a better way to start. But that takes time. That takes patience. And it is so easy to tap into the energy of anger (and yes violence) as a means of righting a wrong. That energy form is so pervasive. Even though we logically can conclude it rarely solves anything and more often than not just makes the situation worse.
Something that is also coming to light in recent years is the prevalence of \”psychopaths\”, or those who lack empathy, existing on the planet. While there are examples of this occurring throughout history, there seems to be an increasing number of these people on the planet today. Those who would willingly, for example, blow themselves up if it meant they could also blow up a number of other humans. Perhaps all the drugs and vaccines we are giving our children is blocking some important pathways for empathy to flow. Perhaps prolonged exposure to electronics is entraining the brainwaves in some way. Perhaps forms of childhood or ritualistic abuse done at a very young age sets a child up on a different path – perhaps a split personality. Or perhaps, some children are simply born that way. Perhaps some children carry some specific DNA markers that make this anomaly possible. Perhaps there is not one answer. Perhaps all, and more, are true.
We All Need Lifeguard Training
The situations now that are my achilles heel are the \”in-betweens\”. Good people. You can see the good in them. You can see that they\’re trying to keep their head above water. But they\’re depressed. They\’re under attack in some way. But if you go into the water to save them without assistance – you may drown yourself. Because they fear that they are drowning – and therefore are not always acting rationally – they can pull you under quite easily. They don\’t mean to. They are simply desperate.
Our problem on the planet right now is that we do not have enough good, well thought-out lifeguard training available for the general populace. (This should be taught in our school systems instead of some of the other lame courses.) So many people want to help each other, because they know \”it\’s the right thing to do\”, and yet so many \”other people\” end up drowning in the process. Many of the people who have fallen on very hard times – drug addictions, eating disorders, chronic depression, homelessness – these people are \”old souls\”. Firstly, we need a better system to protect our children before they are compromised by \”the system\” such that they don\’t end up in these places in the first place, but secondly, when someone does find themselves in deep water, we need a far better system and understanding in place to pull them out safely and properly.
Why Are So Many \”Good People\” So Poor?
The fourth thing that came to me was the realization that by \”waking up\”, we now have access to all this knowledge and experience and abundance…. why are so many \”spiritual people\” poor? Wouldn\’t it make more sense that those who diligently honed their manifesting skills, understood a little bit about the laws of the universe, and stayed true to their path… wouldn\’t these be the most wealthy and abundant people on the planet? How is it that we live in an upside-down world? How is that crime pays so exorbitantly, and benevolence is often met with death?
This \”situation\” did not happen overnight. In fact, listening to different galactic historians, the fall of the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Earth as a participant, occurred a very long time ago. Why? Well, the short answer to the storey is that there there are those who have \”lost their way\”, and have lost access to \”the light\”. When you don\’t have access to the light, you cannot generate energy. So, the only way to survive, is to steal energy from other people. Where do you get energy from? Well, oil and gas, yes. Nuclear power. Yes. Harnessing the wind and water and the sun. Yes. But the best source of energy on the planet? Humans themselves. By enslaving a whole planet of humans, a large amount of energy can be generated and consumed.
The bottom line is that the the only way these beings can survive at the moment is by drawing light and energy from others. From a grand perspective, it really is not that personal. It is about survival at all costs. However, there are many facets to the implementation of this \”project\”, which has evolved over thousands of years, such that there are those on the planet at this time that simply do not like humans and do want them extinguished. So in a way, yes, this war has become quite personal. But, like any war, that\’s not where this all started.
How Do We Put the Odds in Our Favour?
What \”good people\” are not being told and are not educated in, is that there are forces working against us simply because we live and breathe. There are things we can all do to protect ourselves from being attacked or hindered, but if we\’re not told we are under attack, why would we care about protecting ourselves? And if you bring this up in regular society, people will tell you you\’re crazy…. \”you have too big of an imagination. Who would want to attack you?\” So instead of listening to our instincts, we continue to walk around unarmed and defenceless. And we still don\’t understand why we feel we are constantly being attacked.
Long ago I realized that the best course of action is not to walk around with a bunch of weapons strapped to my back. Or to shrink away and hide, hoping nobody will find me. We are here on this planet to connect. To express. To create. To experience. We are here to shine our light. We are here to set goals. We are here to execute those goals. We are here to find a way. If someone had at least told us we were playing a game of sorts, that there was an opposing force that we needed to contend with, our perspective on how we executed our tasks may be completely different. We would indeed develop a better defence. We would indeed become more informed and more skilled as per warding off attacks. And we would also be more encouraged as to how to develop a good offence. We would have more sound guidelines of how to execute our business plans, or our strategies to success.
Is the Universe benevolent? This is an interesting question. There is definitely much support and assistance available to us on this journey, and it is imperative that we hone our skills such they we can access this support consistently and reliably. There are so many on the side of human kind. And there are so many more that would benevolently support our endeavours if they could. We must reach out for this assistance. Divided we are weak. Together we are formidable.
Life is a Journey, Not a Destination
When you observe nature, one of the first things you realize that nothing is in a straight line. While it may at first appear chaotic, nature is actually well-organized. It\’s just not organized in straight lines. Life is about the journey. About the experience. There is how we learn. This is how we improve ourselves and raise our consciousness…by getting our feet wet. By participating in things we meet along the way.
Take time to smell the flowers. Look around you. Be observant. Become more aware of your surroundings and look for things that draw your attention. Does it \”feel\” good? Perhaps you should spend some time experiencing it.
Developing Discernment is an Ongoing Process
When you were a kid, you were taught the difference between hot and cold. How touching a hot stove was not such a good idea. How pouring ice cubes down your back could be a very shocking experience. These things become obvious. But, interesting enough, most humans are not born \”knowing\” these things. Discernment is something that has to be learned.
We can learn though trial and error – actually physically having a bad experience and then never doing that again. Or, we can start to hone our intuitive abilities to \”tap in\”, and \”feel\” whether something is a good idea or not before we do it. This takes practice. But over time one can become quite good at choosing higher and better paths for themselves based just on the way certain opportunities make them \”feel\”.
Hazards of the Job?
Athletes end up with damaged knees. Construction workers end up with bad backs. Why? They \”know\” better. Athletes know their bodies are their temple…the instrument that full fills their goals. Why don\’t they take better care of their bodies? Construction workers know better. Their strong backs are often the most important asset to fulfilling their job. There is tons of literature and education on how to lift properly, how to take care of their body…. why do they end up with bad backs?
Why do psychic mediums often end up overweight? Why do psychics who are \”visual\” often wear glasses – thick glasses at that?
When we immerse ourselves in certain modalities or areas of work, sometimes we sacrifice areas of our bodies or our energy systems. Not because we\’re \”doing it wrong\”. Sometimes when we roll up our sleeves and \”get the job done\” it takes a toll on us. Like the wounds of a warrior. Just because you ended up with a stab wound on your thigh does not mean you are a \”bad fighter\”. Shit happens when you get into the trenches.
Support Our Healers
When we suffer from the scars of battle, or the stresses and strains from a \”job well done\”, we often need a way to heal. There is so much knowledge and technology that is being suppressed on this planet at this time that would expedite the healing process. We need to be more encouraging of the healing profession, and it would be great if more services were not only available, but also coveted by more people. Part of this is going to take a shift in consciousness from society as a whole. Hopefully this is on its way.
There are many healing modalities on the planet. Some are better than others. And some resonate with different people more than others. We are all from different places in the universe, so we all resonate with different types of energies. So not everything is going to work on everyone. We need access to it all. Try out more that one \”thing\”, keep what works for you, and discard what doesn\’t. But remember, just because you don\’t resonate with something, this does not make it \”bad\”. Just like some people like sushi, and some people prefer pasta. Go with what works.
The Bottom Line:
Learn about how to structure a good defence. There ARE opposing forces working against not just you, but against humanity. Try not to take it personally. And try not to let your defence mechanisms take over your life such that you no longer experience the good that is there to be had. \”The best defence is a good offence\”. Remember that.
Set Goals. Develop a focus. Place your energy on one task at a time and accomplish that task before you move on. When all of your energy is focused in one place, miracles can happen.
Develop skills. Practice what you want to become good at. If you want to sing, practice singing. if you want to swim, practice swimming. Develop your intuition. Develop a \”feel\” for energy. Take your time. Make note of your progress.
Make it a game. The more \”fun\” we make our activities, the more we will enjoy our journey, and therefore more often we will want to engage.
Don\’t forget to stop and smell the flowers. The more we appreciate the planet, and the wonders that are here, the more we will notice what is available to us in terms of resources. Pay attention to the small things in life. You will be surprised how big they can become.
Learn Discernment. This is an iterative process that can always be improved. We can all learn to \”feel\” what\’s right or wrong for us. The more we practice, the better we can become.
Take time to Heal. We are all going to suffer a few \”war wounds\” now and then. Be proud of them. It means you have lived. But also pursue some avenues of how to recoup from them – research a bit more on how to heal. Try different concepts and ideas and find what works for you.