From what we know about silence…the peacefulness, the tranquility, how could silence be perceived as inhumane?
Silence in the Heat of Conflict.
We interact with each other through forms of expression. And when we don’t express, we often create a void. I have recently been in a situation with someone who habitually withdraws all forms of expression. Especially in times of conflict. It is a withdrawal of not only words, but a withdrawal of almost all expression. What I realized was quite fascinating to me. It actually inflames the situation. It actually makes a bad situation worse. It’s not something that would have occurred to me if I had not witnessed it myself. But why?
It is obviously not seen as an aggressive tactic by the person doing the withdrawing. From their perspective they are doing all of what they know to do… run away. But what it really does is withdraw their humanity from the equation. Connection is what we are all seeking. To completely withdraw any and all connection would seem to create a void. Another way of looking at it: In a world of scattered darkness, withdrawing even one more light would perhaps be seen as an aggressive tactic. You took away the last candle. In a cave. Where what was really needed was a brighter light.
Expression is not just our right, it is our Duty.
Think about how humans interact. We communicate in many ways. Yes, through the spoken language. But also through touch, through tone. There are so many subtleties that we are not aware of until we are void of the them. When we meet someone who is not expressing, we don’t always understand, initially, what it is that we are missing. We just know it feels “off”.
I had a meditation teacher once who said that if he could, he would just do all of his meditations in silence, because he believed people were too much “in their heads”, and if he didn’t speak or involve his personality in the process, what would be left was pure energy transmissions. At the time he believed that to be the higher quality.
What he learned in time was that we, as a human race, engage through our personality. And we need that interaction. We need that human connection. Or the energy doesn’t ground. We don’t realize the benefits, or the fruits of our labour, if we don’t bring at least some of it back with us in useable form.
There is a balance. Too much intellectual discussion about something can destroy the essence, or limit the scope of what the energy is offering. But no form of human expression at all runs the risk of making the energy inaccessible. The more one bridges the gap between the energy expression and the human expression, the more people on the planet can receive it. And benefit from it. And we all know the planet could use more energy (or light).
An Example:
One of the most widespread forms of channelling in our current world is through music. When a singer is an open channel to the energies of the universe, and they ground this through expression in a song, the energy flows out to many. People don’t always know why they like a particular song, or what it is about a particular singer that they enjoy so much. Because when seeing it from a limited 3D experience, one only measures limited qualities such as pitch, tone, lyrics,. A singer’s ability to reach higher spaces, and their ability to express that through their “vehicle”, is an amazing gift that assists many. It turns the light on in many a darkened doorway.
Our Human History..
In times of conflict, we have all learned that to inflame the situation by mirroring anger back at a person is never a good idea. It can result in serious injury, or even death. But what about the opposite? Fading away and becoming soulless? Choosing not to express at all? Well, oddly, this can also get you killed. This is not about being right or wrong. This is about life on the earth plane. It can actually be perceived as permission to take away what it is you have already withdrawn – permanently.
An Example:
What do you do if you meet a bear in the woods? Or a lion? Or a Tiger? If you run you\’d better have somewhere to go. Fast. Because by running you have given them permission to chase you. And that they will.
Think of wars past. It has been fairly easy to kill each other when we didn’t see each other as humans, or as a humanity. Yes, it may be even easier to engage if we see someone as a monster. But really, we just have to perceive a person as a “thing”, as opposed to a human with feelings and emotions and a soul, and it is easier to do harm. Think of the middle East. In these modern times, it is still so easy to enlist humans to fly planes over civilizations and drop bombs. Because the crew do not see their actions as affecting humans. They are disconnected from the expressions of humanity below. From far above, they only see the silence.
Entraining the Masses
We, humanity, have been taught for many centuries to become invisible. To sit down and shut up. To do what we’re told. The punishment was often quite severe if we stepped out of line. How we got to this point is a long, drawn out saga. What is important now is acknowledging that this is what has occurred, and this is how we became the “silent majority”. Unfortunately, this is why so many atrocities can still be carried out on our planet today. In this age. When most of us “know” better.
What our mass silence has done, inadvertently, has offered up permission to commit genocide on a mass scale. By fading into the background, we have given others permission to do what they please to us. And because “their” perspective is the only one heard, it is pervasive, so any outside party listening would only hear the justification for what has been done. And that justification only gets louder and more ingrained as time goes on. Such that this is all our children hear. And it is what our children therefore learn to believe to be true. Such that our own children grow up to be the very \”they\” perpetuating the problem.
At this point in our human history, the solution is not to merely stand up and point out everything that is \”wrong\” on the planet. That could take a lifetime or more to do a comprehensive job, it would bring us down energetically into a space of anger and fear in the process, and ultimately it would solve nothing. The solution is to turn the lights on. So everyone can see things more clearly. And each group or individual in their own corner of the world, and area of expertise, can see the change that needs to be made. We need to work together.
So what about the other part? Yes, silence can get you killed. But how is Silence Inhumane?
Inhumane: lacking humanity, kindness, compassion. Being cruel.
We are all interconnected on this planet. We are all in a relationship with one another. In any given moment, we may chose to contribute to the greater good (or not). When we raise ourselves up, this, in turn, lifts not only those close to us, but even strangers on the street whom we\’ve never met. Laughter is infectious.
To become silent or withdrawn in a situation in which you have involvement with others, can definitely be seen as lacking compassion, or as being somewhat cruel. Especially with those who are acting on some sort of an idea that you had an agreement, … such as a relationship. We often run away from our problems. Out of fear. Out of exhaustion. There are many \”good\” reasons to withdraw. But it comes at a cost.
An Example:
Most people have experienced \”silence\” from someone in their lives. It doesn\’t feel good. One of the most common forms of this occurs between parents and their children. Children are struggling for their independence, and no longer wish to have every ounce of their lives heavily scrutinized. They stop communicating. The parents feel the loss of communication, and of connection. Sometimes this can feel very unkind. Even cruel.
Of course we need to get out of situations that no longer serve us. But there are many options on how we can choose to change course. We often need to stand up for ourselves, express our needs and desires, and find a different path. The more frequently we \”check in\” to our own path, and our own relationships, the less opportunity there is for things to get to the point where we feel we need to make a drastic change all at once. But it is all a learning curve. Awareness itself is a great beginning.
Adding Light to a Situation
The only reason a problem does not seem solvable is that the light/density ratio is too low. The solution to every problem is to add more light. Period. By withdrawing light, we inevitably make the situation darker, or more dense. More difficult too navigate. By turning the lights on and shining them brightly, there are no more secrets. Everyone can see where they are going. Everyone feels more secure. Everyone feels more connected. Noone feels the need to steal another’s light, because there is plenty to go around.
Do not confuse \”adding light\” with over-intellectualizing the situation.
Adding light does not always mean in-depth discussion. Sometimes it does. But more often, adding light means getting out the guitar and singing songs and creating connection with all involved. Or going for a walk – getting fresh air and exercise and changing your environment. And talking about absolute trivia.
More important than words is the act of creating connection – humanizing the situation. Which inevitably results in broadening everyone\’s perspective. When we are connected and feel secure we are able to see things from more than one perspective, and are by default more open to seeing more solutions.
Add Light Through Self Expression
To add light to the planet, find a way to express yourself that is genuine. That gives you joy. Find your passion. Even if it is something small to begin with – like a hobby. Find something that is yours. Learning to express ourselves may seem like it should be a natural thing. But it is hard for many. We have been subject to ridicule. To criticism. To theft. We have been laughed at and we have been tortured on some level for even attempting to express our true selves.
On a physical level we may feel awkward. We may come on too strong at first. Or we may feel like we’re making an effort yet we are not being “heard”. But we need to start. We need to get out there and start trying. Baby steps at first. And before long you will develop confidence in skills you never knew you had.
The more people who find the courage to express themselves, in whichever way soothes their soul and brings them joy, the more light we will have on the planet.
Seek Out Others Who Share Your Passion
It is often difficult to learn new things on your own. With the internet, or with different clubs and activities available in your community, it is often very easy and rewarding to find others who share your passion. Exchange ideas. Give each other emotional support. Have some laughs over your trials and errors.
There is so much available for free. And if you really want to take the deep dive, there are courses and workshops on just about anything you want to learn. Connecting with others will increase your growth rate, and broaden your perspective on all that is available to you. And as a group, you will connect with more groups, which will eventually interconnect the entire planet. With the single purpose of exploring your passion(s).
Our interconnectedness will be our strength. Like a maize of fairy lights on a glow ball, the earth will be made brighter than could have been imagined.
With so much new light shining on the planet, things that seem dire will change overnight.
Want More? Check out this video \”Finding Your Creative Expression\”