“Be” Intuitive

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When I was a kid I was quite intuitive.  I played a lot of sports.  I could get in the “zone”.  I developed my “instincts”, so that I just “knew” where to pass, and when to pass.  I knew how to project not only my body – but my energy – in one direction, and then suddenly shift and go the other way.  Somehow I just “knew” that in order to really deke out my opponent I couldn’t just do it with a head fake or a physical body movement .  This was not nearly as effective as committing with my “intention” – or my energy field.  I would first look in a direction, I would see myself going there, then I would actually project my energy in that direction – and then I would “suddenly” change my mind and go the other way.   In the meantime, my opponent would truly believe me and start moving in that first direction. They would commit themselves so much that they would be off-balance, and my path to the goal would be clear.   Worked every time.

This is such and important concept.  All the gurus of the self-help movement talk about this over and over.  Placing your energy.  Placing your intention.  Sometimes we forget that many of us learned this as kids.  Through “playing”.

As I look back, I realize that not all of my abilities came naturally to me.  I had to work on many of them. But I didn’t realize I was working on them. I thought I was just “playing”. It was through the playing of those games – that I enjoyed – that I was able to really hone my intuitive skills and my abilities.

And Then We Grow Up

As adults, we meet a number of challenges.  We are now “responsible”. We are not exposed to as many games we can play that will hone our abilities to make good decisions for “real life”.  It is just assumed that we know what we are doing and to just go do it. So we are always asking ourselves… “How do I know this is the right decision?”  Did I have another choice that I just didn’t “see”?  Sometimes things work out perfectly.  Sometimes….not so much.

What if there was a way that we could hone our abilities to make better decisions consistently and reliably?  Half of the secret to making better decisions is to having greater perspective, and in seeing more options.  In sports – we develop our peripheral vision so we can “see” our teammates better – even when they are almost behind us. It opens up far more opportunities of where to go, where to pass, and when to act. In life, we need more than just our peripheral vision. We need ALL of our senses.  Because each sense brings with it its own “superpower”.

Where we want to get to, ultimately, is having greater perspective and being more connected to greater wisdom. We want to be able to leverage the greater powers of the Universe and all it has to offer.  But for those who have tried this, while it sounds like a great idea, being able to access what you want when you want takes practice.  You must get yourself in a position where you can actually see beyond the “trees”.  You must be able to identify exactly what your choices are and how they would benefit you. And then you must make a choice.  There is actually a lot going on.  It can seem exhausting.  So what many of us do, instead, is just let things “happen”.

“Making” it Happen

What if we could hone those skills, and have fun doing it at the same time?  What if we knew that by developing our intuition we are actually doing something incredibly important?   We are honing our abilities to sense and perceive our environment, and through this we are far more able to take control of our lives, and our destiny?

The process is a journey.  We are always learning.  We are always developing skills.

If you would like to dip your toe in the water and learn a little bit more of what I am talking about, I have developed a Free 7 day mini-Course that will simply point out the things – some you already know about , and some things you didn’t realize, – or have “forgotten” about.    It is short, fun, and interactive.  The link to register is just below, you will receive your first exercise immediately.  Enjoy.

Here is the link to Free mini-Course.  Hone your abilities to tap into the Universe by working with your intuition.