How Can You Help?

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babypodcastsThe world is shifting. The vibration of the planet is rising. People are waking up. They are beginning to see the truth of things around them. Some things make them happy. Some things make them sad. Some things make them very angry. And these are very compassionate people. They want to help. Badly. But the ultimate question is, “how CAN I help?” Effectively. The answer is not all that complex, but in order to understand the answer fully, one sometimes needs to take a bit of a journey in their mind.

Let’s Imagine

So let’s pretend you’re 7. And you’re in a room full of 3 years olds. 30 of them. They’re running around. They’re picking up things they shouldn’t. They’re shaking things. They’re dropping things. They’re spilling things. They’re putting things in their mouths that don’t belong there. There’s a couple of them over in the corner crying cause they need their diapers changed. One bumped his head and he’s crying too. … You’re 7. What are you going to do? You can’t run around after them picking stuff up and trying to prevent harm. You will never win. There are 30 of them.  There’s only one of you.  You can’t do this alone from the level that you’re at.   You need to get their parents back.

Where are the parents? Well they are not dead, but the toddlers sort of think they are dead. They think they’ve been abandoned. To the degree that a 3-year old is capable of understanding that concept. But the parents are hard to reach.  Communication between the parents and the 3-years olds is difficult.  The children don’t know how to use a phone properly.  They simply don’t understand the concept of that form of communication.  The parents want to get to their children.   They are attempting to reach their children,…but they can’t get into the building.  They lost the keys.  And they can’t contact their children and ask them to come open the door.  Because the children are too young to understand the problem, let alone solve it.

You are 7.  You can’t run around after 30 3-years olds forever, it will exhaust you.  But you do know how to use a phone.  You can phone the adults.  And you can ask for suggestions.  The adults know what you need to do.  And there are many of them.  They all want the same thing – they want in the building to help their kids.   The most efficient thing for you to do is to put your efforts into is doing what you can to make it easier for more adults to reach their “kids”.

Back to Reality

So, back to the planet. There are many “messes” on our planet.  But the focus cannot be solely on cleaning up the messes directly. It won’t work. There are too many messes being created daily, and not enough people awake enough to clean them up. There needs to be a shift in consciousness so that the messes are no longer created.  And, at the same time, there needs to be more people around to clean up the messes than there are people creating the messes.  There needs to be a shift in numbers.

The people of the planet need to wake up. And the people have free will. They have fear. They are angry They are suspicious. They have been beaten, betrayed and lied to. You cannot tell them something and expect them to believe you. It simply won’t work. It has to be experiential. As the planet shifts and they experience and see things unfold they will shift… it will go slow at first and then one day it will reach a tipping point and it will go quickly. Like how the wall fell. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. And then one day the people – kids mostly – just made it happen.

Hold the Vibration

So the most important thing to do is to ensure that the vibration of the planet can be held at a higher level. Which means we need to learn how to hold the higher vibration ourselves. The more people who can hold a higher vibration the more it can be sustained on the planet and the easier it will be for the parents to connect with their toddlers.

Steps You Can Take

Specifically, what everyone who is “waking up” can to do to help: –

1.) Detox. You body and your life. So that you can handle the higher vibrations. This seems simple saying it but the more you learn, the more complicated this exercise can become. Try not to get too overwhelmed by this one,.. it will always be a work in progress.

2) Learn to use your intuition. Learn to communicate with your inner world as well as you communicate with those you meet on the street every day. Again, easy to say, but it’s a fairly big project in itself.

3) Learn about energy. Practice working with energy, clearing blockages, letting it run effortlessly through your body

4) Find your passion and live it. Be an inspiration. You will affect many. And the passion does not have to be directly working with the 3-years olds. Various forms of Art and music, for example, have a huge impact on the planet energetically but is often dismissed as a “frivolous pursuit”. Don’t judge what you are drawn to by “old energy” perspectives.

Do You Want More?

Do you want more information on finding your focus and making your life work for you?   Check out this page on working with your Intuition.

Would you like to learn more about Detoxification and Shifting Your Vibration?   Click here