Eskimos have over 300 words for SNOW. I first heard of this in a line in a movie, over 20 years ago. And it has stayed with me ever since. I live in Canada. We get snow. And I ski. Which means I have spent a great deal of time experiencing snow. Nothing compared to the amount of snow that the Eskimos experience. But I understand that snow “conditions” change… all the time. They change seasonally. But they also can change daily… and even hourly. And so if you live in a “snowy” environment, why wouldn’t you come up with ways to describe exactly what it is you are experiencing?
You can have light, puffy, powdery snow. You can have heavy, slushy snow. You can have “corn snow”…which is what it sounds is little balls of snow the size of kernels.
In the morning the snow may be slick and icy, but by the afternoon the snow may be heavy and slushy…but only in the sunny areas…in the shade the snow can still be as hard as rock.
Energy is as Diverse as “Snow”
Energy can have a different “feel” to it. It can feel heavy, and dense. It can feel light, and “airy”. It can spin, rock, vibrate, stimulate, soothe… Energy is not physical in the way that snow is, but there is as many and more nuances to describe energy as there is snow. Because we typically don’t spend our days meditating and working with things on an energy level, we simply aren’t aware of “all there is”. But these nuances exist and they have always existed. The Eskimos live in an environment that has snow for 8 months of the year. So they know snow! And so they have named the different types of snow conditions…it helps them plan their day. What we need in the “energy world”, is a whole new vocabulary to discuss the nuances of energy.
Developing Our Ability to Perceive
When we are learning to work with energy, the first step is to learn how to sense and perceive energy. This takes practice. It is a skill set that we develop. If you work with guides and/or angels, they can certainly help you in this process. Much like any parent helps their child learn to walk, or to ride a bike. But at the end of the day, it is you who needs to master this. And you can. We all can.
Start with what you know. Start with your strengths. This will help build your self confidence and let you know that you are actually “getting something”. For example, in the Expand Your Intuition Course, because it is the launching pad for working with your Intuition and all things to do with mastering your “other senses”, we start with expanding the use of your 5 physical senses. Because this is what everyone already knows, and there is familiarity and understanding.
An Exercise
Close your eyes for a moment and visualize your pet. Your imagination is a sense. You just used it. You were able to do it easily because you know what your pet looks like. And you have used your imagination before. Especially when you were a child. There is already recognition and understanding of what you were “getting”. That is half the battle.
Steps to Success
In order to work with our Intuition, or to develop our abilities to perceive on a number of different levels, two things need to happen: First, we need to develop our skills, or our ability to perceive using a particular sense, or a multitude of senses. Second, we need to understand what it is that we “got”, or perceived, or “saw”.
If we’ve encountered something before, then there is familiarity. We “know” what it is. We go “aha”! When we’ve never come across something before, sometimes we reach out to our friends and neighbours and ask them if they have “seen” anything like that before. Sometimes someone somewhere has a story to tell, sometimes no-one has ever heard of it. It is “new”.
Personally I like to strive for the new. I find that exciting. But that is not where I started. And that is not what I do every day, all the time. There needs to be a balance between pushing yourself to new horizons, and immersing yourself in things that are familiar… that give you comfort and security.
Secret to Developing Skills
I played squash for a number years back when I was in my late 20’s early 30’s. Until my body told me it didn’t like the constant jerking motion and protested by seizing up my back muscles and disabling my calf muscle. So i stopped. But I learned some very important lessons about developing skills. When you want to master something, you need to play against three different types of opponents:
1, You need to play against someone with whom YOU are better than. To give you self confidence. And so that you can practice your “shots” in a relaxed environment, when you’re not running around “like a chicken with your head cut off”. (What an expression.. really. Such a common expression in the English language but as I typed it I actually visualized it. Might be time to change this reference.)
2. You need to play against someone who is better than you. So that you can experience what they do. You will learn much, much faster by “experiencing” a master as opposed to just sitting on the bleachers watching. Get in the court with them.
3. You need to play with someone at your own level of ability. To challenge you. But to also give you hope and encouragement. You will win some. You will lose some. You will feel satisfied after having a “good game”. And you will improve.
How do I apply this principal to working with Intuition?
Well, it’s the same process, just framed in a different environment:
Play around with exercises and games that you are comfortable with, things that you know that you can do, …that give you confidence. See if you are better than you were last time. In the very least, what you “get” will be different each time you “play”. The answers are never the same.
Next, try and master a skill that you haven’t tried before. Go out into the universe and try to perceive things you hadn’t noticed before. There’s plenty. Trust me. Most of what we don’t notice is more subtle. So part of the skill set you are developing is paying attention to the less obvious.
Finally, go out into the world and try using your intuition more actively in your daily life. You will win some. You will lose some. But you will feel satisfied that you are “trying”. And you will improve.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
If you want to learn more about “Expanding Your Intuition” and developing your ability to “tap in” and “interpret what you get” click here to see what we have to offer. While there are several levels of commitment you can make to working with your intuition, our flagshipp course, Expanding Your Intuition, is the most comprehensive. It has been developed with special attention to providing tons of exercises and games so that you can really hone your skills and get that confidence you desire.