Getting Past Obstacles and Living Free

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Why do I seem to get all inspired, I have a dream, I have a mission… I know what I want to do… and then Bam! I feel like I’ve run into a brick wall and everything stops. Why does this keep happening?!!?!?!


I listen to all the “guru’s” and they all tell me to “get out of your own way”, “stop self-sabotaging”. “it’s all in your head”, or “in your energy field”. Change your thoughts and change your life.

It sounds so simple. So why can’t I accomplish it? I have accomplished so many other things in my life. I am not a pushover. I am educated. I can learn how to do things if I need to. Why can’t I learn this? Why when I apply what I’ve learned – it works for awhile and then it doesn’t? What is happening with me? What is happening in this world?

You’re not Crazy. This is Real.

Bear with me, I am going to provide you with the answers – from simple to more complex. And also, more believable to less “believable”. Which means I could lose a few people because it may not be something you want to focus on. Which is fine. Sometimes it is important to put on rose coloured glasses, sit in a meadow, and just play with the faeries. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and in fact, that act alone does in fact help the planet by holding a certain vibration. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!

If you would like to read on, I would suggest you pick the points that you resonate with and focus on those. Skip over the ones you don’t resonate with. If something makes you angry -don’t focus on it. You can deal with it later. The energy will shift,.. you don’t need to dwell on it today.

What you may have already heard:

1.  Control your thoughts, control your destiny.

Our thoughts create our reality. What you focus on you drive into. Try riding a motorcycle and you will develop a keen appreciation for this “law”.  A motorcycle is very responsive to what you focus on.  If you are headed for a telephone pole and continue to look straight at it, you will run into it.  But, if you can bring yourself to focus on where you would rather go to avoid the telephone pole, you will miss it.

The exercise that works for many with regards to working with your thoughts is to really begin to pay attention, and to monitor, what goes through your head. Like an outside observer would. Not with judgement or admonishment. These thoughts are out there… they didn’t originate in your head. You “picked up on them” because they are so pervasive. And now they are in your conscious awareness. The reason you picked up on them is that they are so, SO popular you couldn’t NOT tap into them. Which is why you should not be so hard on yourself for thinking them.

It is a skill that you need to develop. Recognizing the thoughts that not longer serve you, and also going out and finding new thoughts that do serve you.

You can do this! Just be patient with yourself and have a conversation with yourself – talk yourself out of thoughts you don’t want instead of dwelling on them. And always find something else to focus on.

Go out of your way to break the pattern.

2. Deal with your childhood.

We were all subject to a great deal of programming as children. And, for the most part, a lot of crappy things happened to us that we had no control over. So, we experienced events as a victim would. It is documented over and over again that the first 7 years of a person’s life are so critical to a child’s development and can affect them for a lifetime.

This is not a big “secret”.  In fact, this understanding has actually been used as a tactic of war.  Kings of many lands thought it a good idea to round up the children when they were young and brainwash them against their very own parents, and then send them back into the village to live amongst their own kin whom they have been taught to hate. It created a heavy moral dilemma for parents who loved their children but were being destroyed by them.

The exercise is to look at your childhood from an adult point of view. Maybe it sucked. The things that happened were not ok. But from a larger point of view, things were really messed up all over the planet. Lots of shitty things happened to a lot of very good souls. Sometimes when you realize there was a systematic effort to marginalize or brainwash children in a certain way it is easier to get over it because you realize how big this really is. it does’t make it right. it is just important to see what has been done and why.

Why you need to deal with your childhood is that your childhood issues are often “hot buttons” that people can press that will bring about heated emotions from you, even 50 years later. Emotions that are disproportionate to the event that is currently going on. Because it is a response to layers and layers of hurt and repression.

The world is shifting. There is more and more energy flooding on to the planet. But this is a good thing only if you and your body can handle it. If you still have stuck emotions, they will get triggered and they will hurt even more than before. The pain will intensify. And the desire to “do something about it” will increase. Look around. Good things are happening with this flood of energy. But some people are truly “losing it” as well. Take charge of your destiny.

You don’t need to review anything or everything that happened in your childhood. That is just torture. You need to find that child that your were and just send it love and understanding and compassion. A child is never “wrong”. They are innocent. Love the innocence.

3. Pay very close attention to your environment

This is the one issue we really need people to accept and understand. Anything you are exposed to, and illnesses you develop, is not “all your fault”. I am really getting tired of people supposedly in the “know” telling you that it is only about you and what you are doing – to and with yourself. It isn’t.

You are under attack. We all are. It is plain and simple. The poisoned food supply through the use of pesticides, hormones, gmos. The poisoned water supply. And the poised air – chemtrails that place toxic chemicals in the atmosphere that inevitably fall down onto our soil, our gardens, our handrails…. it is all real!

The intentional production of addicting substances, foods, and activities. Cigarettes. Nacho chips. Casinos. Television. The pharmaceuticals that attack the chemicals in your brain to make you sicker and more dependant on them. The broadcasted frequencies in malls and public places aimed at controlling your ability to “tap in” and think for yourself. It all exists. You are not crazy. Your depression is being manufactured. You are purposely being marginalized.

And I don’t say this so that you will collapse in a hopeless pile of defeat. I say this so that you will be able to confirm that this is actually happening. It is not “just you”. You are not alone. You are not crazy. This is a real game that is being played.

And no, not every person involved in this game are evil conspirators. Most people who are complicit in bringing this to you are good, well-intentioned, hardworking people who know not what they do. That is the problem. Think about the Vietnam war. Some people were sent to war reluctantly. They were drafted. Against their will. But some people even volunteered to go to war, believing they were doing a great thing for their country! And then they came home and their fellow citizens booed them and threw shit at them for participating. Because it was all a lie. It was the beginning of our collective awakening, where we realized we were all being used as pawns in some big game of chess. But instead of tackling the source, we turned on the “little guy”, – our neighbours, – our soldiers.

Educate yourself on how to detoxify your body. It is very difficult to avoid exposure. Try not to get too focused on that because it is a battle you will never entirely win, and it will distract you from the bigger prize. If you can learn to flow everything through your body, you will be less affected. Of course you should avoid over-exposure to toxicity if you can help it. But sometimes you simply don’t know you are being exposed until it is too late.

Learn how to heal yourself. And find yourself some go-to sources of healing if/when you need them.

4. Our past lives, or our ancestry

If you look back over (known) human history, it has not been pretty. Not that many years ago you could be accused of stealing a loaf of bread and if someone didn’t like you, you could have your head cut off for it, or hung in a cage outside the castle walls. Have you ever taken a look at the French museum of innovative ways to torture other humans? It will make you cringe. And yes, there were stonings, people were burned at stakes, people were systematically raped – even on their wedding nights.

So yes, if you tap into this energy, it is absolutely true that this can trigger reluctance in yourself to put your head up and be counted. It has not always been a good idea to be noticed. To stand out. To be counted. Learning how to stay invisible is a skill that has been developed over thousands of years. It wasn’t a cowardly act in any way. It was a tactical manoeuvre that increased the odds of survival in very harsh climate. It was a coveted and valued skill. And the collective ability of some to stay invisible and to keep some energies, knowledge, and traditions alive is what saved the planet from even greater darkness.

Which is why, if one does not feel comfortable “coming out”, one should take their time. It does not mean you should not study and learn. But there is no reason you have to make your beliefs or what you’re up to known to the world as a whole if you are not ready. Don’t let this stop you from your own personal advancement. Study. Learn. Grow. In a safe, supportive environment.

Building your power base.. your strength and confidence of who you really are, is far more important to the planet than being out there and getting attacked, cut down, not being able to handle the fall-out, and quitting and going back into your cave again.

That doesn’t mean the world doesn’t need more voices. We do. Because the more people who are singing their soul song will tip the consciousness of this planet. But self-nurturing is also so very important. You only need to look at childhood movie stars to see how tough it is to lead your life in the public eye. It is hard not to just want to shut down and dullen your senses when you feel so over-exposed and under scrutiny.

Build your power base!  And when you are ready, sing your song!

5. Surround yourself with supportive people

I’m sure you have all heard and read that we are are all a reflection of who we hang out with. If you hang out with inspired people, you will inspire each other. If you hang out with abusive people, they will shut you down and you will become hopelessly depressed. This we all know.  And it is great advice.

So many good, well-intentioned, empathic “lightworkers” get themselves into abusive relationships. And no, it’s not your “fault”. There is no excuse for abuse. And you are being targeted. You really are. It’s not simply all about your “lessons”. Yes, you will learn from your experience. And yes, that is all good and wonderful that you overcame a challenge. But it didn’t “need” to happen in order for you to learn and grow. There is way more going on than you realize.

Basically, those who are caught up in a downward spiral, who live in constant chaos, learn to seek out those who are a little “uninformed” as per manipulative tactics.  From their perspective they are simply doing what it is they need to do to survive.  But the point is, because they are so focused on their own survival, they are not at all focused on their own personal growth, or how they are affecting you and your circumstances.    You initially believe you are doing some good, but what you are really doing is trying to catch a falling knife,   You will rarely be successful.

You have a mission here on this planet, and unfortunately that person in your life who is being abusive, and who is hell-bent on sucking resources from you, and destroying you in the process of destroying themselves, is keeping you from that mission. This is stopping you from doing what you came here to do.  You got lured in. And you need to get out. Not just for yourself. For the planet.

The good you see in these people is real. They are humans and they are in pain and they do need help and assistance.  For a number of reasons, generally related to previous trauma, they may have some fractures in their soul that require mending.  Without the appropriate healing, they will never be able to get off the downward spiral.  This is not something you can talk people through. Because of this fracturing they cannot always respond to simple logic and reason.   However, most are skilled enough at the art of conversation, that they will tell you that they understand and that they are committed to “turning the ship around”.  The fact of the matter, they need more help than you can probably give them    And the more resources you pour in to “save” them, the worse their predicament becomes.  And the worse off you now are.

Part of why empaths stay in “bad situations” is because they believe they can help. They believe that “the person just needs a chance. Someone to care about them”…. And there is truth in that. So the real question is, what DO you do about someone you care about who has “fallen”? You see their humanity. You see their distress. You see their pain. But you have to also see that your very presence in their life can also make it worse.  As long as you are there to provide energy to them, they do not hit the floor, and they are not motivated to heal.  In fact, your relationship is based on you fulfilling their needs, so that they will always need to create more needs for you to fill.  It’s messed up.  To say the least.

If you, and millions like you, were NOT taken off your mission by these honourable, but misguided “projects” , the planet’s vibration could rise even further and faster.  And all of your friends and loved ones who are “compromised” could more easily be helped.  Our “global” understanding of how to help everyone would increase. And the higher vibration would make it much more difficult for people’s fields to be compromised. And there would be far more people out there able to help repair all those fractured soul membranes.

This is a group effort. There is far greater power in numbers. You are so very important to this planet right now, and, no matter how much you care about someone who is suffering and want to help them, you must detach and remove yourself so that you can help them more. You must focus your energies on raising your vibration and “showing up” for things you need to do to help the planet.

You must become more selfish in order to become selfless.

6. On addictions specifically

Do you realize that most of your fellow citizens who get taken down with severe addictions are old souls who really do have good hearts and are actually semi-awake? Most are more awake and knowledgeable about what’s going on on the planet than the general populous?

There are a variety of reasons a person becomes heavily addicted. One is the need to dullen the senses because one “feels” too much. It is just all too much to take in. Think of an autistic child. The reason they engage in strange behaviour like banging their head on the floor is that they are in pain because they “feel” too much. Drugs dullen our senses. So do mind-numbing activities such as video games, gambling or rough sex.

There are papers recently released by the CIA from the 1970’s which admit to extensive experimentation with brainwashing, mind control and other experiments on unwitting university students and/or soldiers. Of course they didn’t admit to everything that has ever been done, or what they are still “playing around with”, but suffice it to say that a lot of time, energy and money is dedicated to making us addicted, – not only through corporations who stand to make money off of it, but also from our own governments who wish to control the population – so we’ll allow them to do things like start wars in foreign countries and experiment with the weather by sprinkling heavy metals in our atmosphere.

It should be noted, it is not the “figureheads” of our governments that are behind this.   Yes, for the most part they are complicit – they know about it. And their actions support it.  But they have their own set of addictions – or shall we say – unique buttons – that make them able to be controlled. Common for politicians is sex addictions and cocaine addictions. But there is so much more.

It is so easy to control a population, and a leader, that is addicted. They will do anything to get their “fix”, and they will be so focussed on getting their fix that they won’t be able to put their heads up and look at what’s really going on. Or, even if they find out the truth they will be too incapacitated and compromised to do anything about it.

The bottom line is do not judge your fellow citizens who have succumbed to addiction. You have no idea what they may have been through. Have compassion. And vow to do your part to shift the vibration of this planet. That is how you will help them the most.

There are far too many humans who have been compromised to consume all of your time and energy on helping only one individual. Go big! And get help!


Ok, so the most important concepts, rephrased:

Watch your thoughts. Do not get upset that you have certain thoughts. Just be mindful of them and develop some strategies to shift away from ones that don’t serve you.
Love your inner child. You couldn’t have done “wrong” as a child. You were innocent. Love that child. You cannot undue what was done, but you can push through the experience and remove the pain from your energy field.
Learn to detox.  The environment we live in is increasingly toxic. And it is not simply about a bunch of irresponsible humans contaminating their planet. Much of the toxicity is created on purpose in order to keep us all in a fog. Instead of attacking your fellow citizens who unwittingly contribute to the problem, work towards waking up the planet and increasing awareness of the bigger picture. Fighting begets resistance. Enlightenment topples walls with little physical effort. And in the meantime, learn to detox your own body because you cannot avoid any and all toxins. There are too many. But our bodies possess wonderful clearing mechanisms. Do what it takes to assist your body in clearing.
Our human history has been a tough one, full of slavery, repression, torture.   There is so much we could discuss. The bottom line is that most of us who have been here for a lifetime or two have encountered a great deal of trauma. And we have developed ways of coping. Admire the strengths and the skills you have brought with you, and go easy on yourself for not being able to simply adapt to the “new energy”. There are so many layers. But at the same time, you need to find the courage to embrace this new world, and what is happening. We are here for the experience, and we get far more out of it when we actually live it.

A very common tactic of war right now is the suicide bomber. Someone who has been brainwashed into thinking they are doing a “good thing” by rushing into a crowded area and blowing themselves up, and others with them. While this may seem “out there”, it actually is not. There are many in our families and in our inner circles that engage in the same tactics, just on a less dramatic scale. They know not what they do. Yet for some reason they are hell-bent on blowing themselves up, and they will take you down with them. Save yourself. Get out of the way. You can help them better if you are still alive.  Surround yourself instead with people who inspire you.

Addictions.   Some of our brightest and our best have been taken down with addictions. They have been through so much. The best place to start is to raise the vibration of the planet, and to stop the creation of “new” addicts. As the planetary consciousness increases, the solutions to help those who have already been taken down will continue to flood in.  They will benefit as well.

Three things to take away from this discussion:

These three “solutions” can get very involved and are therefore discussed in greater detail in other articles, but suffice it to say these are the three action steps you can put in place in order to break the energy cycle of starts and stops and roadblocks:
1. Find your focus. Find some “pillars” to focus on. Something that you know is so important that you need to do “no matter what”. And even when you are compromised and feeling down, or a little “off”, DO NOT GIVE UP on your pillars. Make that one promise to yourself.

2. Stop being distracted by the symptoms. Find the cause and shut that down. We are trained to help the poor, the downtrodden, the needy. But what you need to know is that the “machine” is pumping out more and more “poor” and “needy” every day. We can never keep up. We will never succeed until we attack the source, or learn how to turn the “machine” off. We need to change our focus. We cannot solve any “issue” focusing on the symptoms. We must turn our focus to the cause. We must take our blinders off. The solutions are rarely hidden in mass consciousness. We must expand our thinking.

3. Leverage your activities. People in a group are far more powerful than one person acting alone. Find those you resonate with, who are one step ahead of you. Who have momentum. Who are working toward a goal that you relate to. Assist them. Volunteer if you have to. Learn from them. Learn from the activity. Grow. There is leverage in numbers. There is leverage in momentum. Use all the tools that are available to you. The experience will be invaluable. What you can accomplish will be exponential.

A great place to start is working with your Intuition:  Why?  Because once you become comfortable working with your intuition you will be able to identify some goals that really serve you, you will be able to become more discerning with regards to relationships and interactions you wish to engage in, and you will be quicker to identify what isn’t working, and things you can do to make them work better.

If you click on this link you will be taken to a page that describes what products we have to offer that will greatly assist you in Expanding Your Intuition.