Can We Predict the Future?

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Looking Into the Crystal Ball
Looking Into the Crystal Ball

The answer is Yes. And No.

This is a planet of free choice.  We all have free will.  In every moment of every day we make our own decisions of what to think, how to act, even how to feel.  With every single human on the planet acting with free will, what we have here is something called “organized chaos”.  There is structure and organization in our lives, in our societies, in our cultures, and these structures play a big role in determining our behaviours.  Yet there are these “wild cards” in that every human has the choice to “act unpredictably” at any given moment.  Large events involving great numbers of people are easier to predict than individual behaviours.  Large events have more momentum behind them, and more parties invested in the “experience”.  They are harder to stop.  Which makes them fairly predictable.

Another way to look at it is mathematically.  What happens in our future is all about probabilities. When using mathematical probabilities, events are much more predictable when you have a great number of data points.  And therefore, it is much easier to predict a big massive global event than it is to predict the behaviour of a single data point, or an individual.  For events with a great deal of “data”, many individual “data points” can act out of line but as long as the majority behave in a certain predictable way, the event will go forward.

As another example, picture a big ship on the ocean. Once an ocean liner gets going it takes miles and miles to change direction.  The ship is very large, and it has a great deal of momentum.  It can’t stop on a dime.  Many events have to take place in order for the ship’s direction to change, and in the meantime, the ship will keep moving forward. A little dinghy boat, on the other hand, can whip around at will.  It’s just not as fast, perhaps not as safe in open waters, and a wee bit vulnerable if it places itself in the way of an oncoming ocean liner that can’t stop.

If you, or a friend, wake up in the middle of the night with a dream of a plane crashing, and you “know” it is a prediction of the future, and not a simple symbolic dream indicating your life is falling apart, what are your options?  To phone the airline and tell them about your dream might just get you arrested as they may interpret your phone call as a terrorist threat these days.  But you can certainly tell people that you know not to take a particular flight.  Those who trust you will listen, others may not.  But you made an effort.  It is important not to get caught up in fear surrounding particular events.  If you see a “tragic” event in the future it is not so that you will run around and make other people paranoid.  And it certainly isn’t “fate”.  The interpretation would be, “Based not the current conditions at this time, if everyone keeps acting on their current course, THIS is GOING to happen”. What it should indicate to you is how very important our decisions today are, as they have a great impact on our future. And you have an opportunity to ask yourself what it is you should be doing to make your life flow as smoothly as possible, especially since you already know what will happen if you don’t make any changes…

In conclusion, you have the ability to change almost anything in your own life immediately.  All it takes is awareness, and action.  If there is something in your life you don’t like or want, reflect upon it, and find the best way to change it.  There are many ways to change things, some involve more struggle than others. Almost always there is at least one solution that is a “win win” for all parties involved. Weigh your options carefully.

In terms of larger events, if you want to “change the world”, it takes a lot more time and energy to make these changes.

1.  Change yourself.

2.  Find others who have changed themselves.

3. Work together.

4. Create an “event” with size and momentum and you too, will be hard to stop.


Want More?  Check out this article on working with your Intuition.