What Are We All Protecting Ourselves From Exactly?

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I find that when someone writes about “invisible stuff” it has the ability to evoke a great deal of fear. So for this discussion on “lower vibrating beings”, I am going to use the example of “Cousin Ernie”, who is not some malicious evildoer but merely a self-absorbed user of others.  Which is the majority of problems people encounter in their daily lives, both seen and un-seen.

Cousin Ernie is a bit of a slob.  When he visits he eats all your food, drinks all your beer, and never seems to be in a hurry to leave.  Because “he is your cousin”, you allow him in your home.  Ernie is taking advantage of your generosity, and really, you know better.  It’s time to tell him he is not invited to your home any more because he doesn’t respect you.  If he wants to buy you coffee sometime and have a chat, – because he is your relative – well you might consider doing that.  But NO MORE visits.

Lower Vibrating Beings and “Parasites”

Cousin Ernie is, by definition, a “lower vibrating being”.  Is he capable of shifting his vibration?  Of course.  Should you help him do it? No, not if he doesn’t want your help in that manner.  It is a planet of free choice.  If cousin Ernie wants to experience vibrating at the rate he’s at, it truly is his choice to do so.  But if he’s going to make that choice, it is your choice not to have him in your home, where you are the most vulnerable, and where he infringes on your rights by bringing your own vibration down. Outside of your house, have some compassion for people and the experiences they are having. Don’t prevent people from having certain experiences just because it may make you feel uncomfortable.  If someone is fixated on having a particular experience, most times any attempt to “rescue” them will just drag you down with them.  Your job is very important to this planet.  Create a sacred space for yourself.  Raise your vibration and don’t allow anyone or any “thing” to “bring you down”.

Murderers and Thieves

They exist. We hear about them on the news every day. And every day those news headlines elicit a great deal of fear in everyone, “I hope they get that guy!” “I hope this doesn’t happen to me!”

Did you know that in 90% of serious crimes the victims were known to the perpetrator? Most of the time, thieves will steal from people they know. It is much easier to enter a property and scope it out ahead of time if you have permission of the owner to be on that property.  It makes the theft far less “dangerous” for the thief.  Also, acts of violence are usually perpetrated on “loved ones” or “business partners”, not on some random strangers.  If you want to avoid “murderers and thieves”, the quickest and easiest way to do so is to monitor your friendships and relationships and the people you do business with.  Get rid of those who don’t respect you or want to steal from you. If an individual is less than honourable in their intentions at the beginning of a relationship, their disposition rarely improves.  In fact, it runs a high risk of escalation.  Get Out Now!

This goes for the things you can’t actually see as well.  Test all of your relationships or situations by how you “feel”.  It it makes you feel good, then entertain the situation.  If it doesn’t feel good, or if it makes you tired or withdrawn, then exit the situation and go elsewhere.  Leave before there is any opportunity for things to go wrong.  Find yourself a more supportive environment to hang out in.

Hold Space

Live by example.  Learn how to raise and to maintain your own vibratory level.  This is why your house is so sacred and why you should allow only those with whom you are in alignment with to visit you there.  When you have created that sanctuary for yourself, much of the day’s problems won’t affect you any more.  Your life will flow much smoother.  And when others ask you why your life appears to be so good, you will have an answer.  And you may get the opportunity to show them how they can do the same for themselves.  But never do it FOR them.  They must change their own life, and make their own decisions.  You are the example.  You are holding the space.  The template.  That they can copy. Everyone needs to learn how to step into their own power, not rely on others to “do it for them”.

“Invisible” Forces

As above, so below.   If you want to protect yourself from what you can’t see, master the art of protecting yourself from what you CAN see.  Place yourself in a supportive environment and surround yourself with supportive beings, both physical and non-physical.  Good friends.  Good mentors.  Raise your vibration and create some rituals or disciplines that remind you to maintain that vibration throughout the day.  And don’t purposely walk down dark alleys.  You have more important places to be.  Go there.

Check out the website page on Shifting Your Vibration.  There’s lots of insights on that page on how to change your “situation”.