Magnets and the Law of Attraction

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“Traditional” magnets are made of a type of metal. These are the ones we played with in elementary school.

Magnets are made larger by adding more magnets, and what makes the magnet a magnet is that its components are all aligned in the same direction.  Therefore, in order to combine two magnets, they must also be aligned. Thus North is attracted to South, and putting these together will make a bigger magnet. But North repels North, and South repels South. You simply can’t combine the magnets from these ends.

Some Additional Properties of Magnets

Traditional magnets are made of metal, and only “pick up” metal. When a magnet is placed over a non metallic object, like a couch, for example, the only thing the magnet will attract is the old coins that somehow slipped under the cushion.

A nail can be charged, or made into a magnet, by rubbing it in one direction in order to align the particles. But the charge will not hold long. In order to get the magnetic charge to be permanent, the magnet must be heated to very high temperatures.

Ok, why is any of this important?

We are magnets. We have an electromagnetic charge. Like a magnet, there are many things in our environment that we are indifferent to. We hardly pay attention, and we are basically unaffected. But some things really do affect us. We are either drawn in strongly.. or we are repelled.  Also, we can be “charged”, or made stronger, by aligning ourselves (by meditating for example). But sometimes it is difficult for us to hold that charge for long periods of time.  Life happens.

What If We Don’t Like What We Attract?

Now let’s go back to the traditional magnet. Magnets don’t judge what they attract. They simply attract it. If we use a magnet to pick up nails in a driveway, that magnet is doing us a service. As the magnet picks up the nails, we remove them from the magnet and dispose of them. It was not “wrong” of the magnet to pick up the nails. It was the right thing to do. But it would be “wrong” to keep the nails on the magnet. A magnet cluttered with nails would eventually render the magnet useless for this exercise.

Even when we are not focusing on something, we may draw this to us.  We are magnets.  But we don’t have to keep it.  The attraction is not “wrong”.  Attraction is in our nature. But we must decide what to do with what we attract. Sometimes the encounter is only meant to be brief.   But sometimes we magnetize something that would serve us to keep around for a while. The clearer we are about our purpose, or the job we are doing in the moment, the easier that decision becomes. This clarity helps us build relevant filters that we can use as we go through our daily lives.

How Can We Attract What We Want?

If you really want to draw something in particular, you need to focus on it.  But it needs to be the “right” kind of focus. Magnets will repel other magnets if they are aligned in a certain way.  That same magnet will be attracted strongly if it is aligned in a comparable manner.  Thus is our relationship with other humans.  When we point our “poles” at each other,  it can be anywhere from deep feelings of love to deep feelings of dislike  – depending on how we align ourselves.

If someone is pointing their “south pole” at you, you don’t necessarily want to point your “south pole” back. It will repel them. You can turn in such a way – sideways – that the impact is neutral, or you can choose to point your “north pole” at them and draw them closer to you. In a more practical sense, if someone yells at you, it is not wise to yell back.  Turn sideways and walk away.  Or give them a genuine compliment.  It will disarm them.  It will even draw them to you if only for a short while.

On the other hand, if you come across a situation where your interests are already aligned with another person, you will almost instantly create a bond.  On a more general basis, if you would like to create a bond with someone, the key is to find that “common thread”, that area in which your interests can align to the benefit of both parties.  You don’t have to have “everything” in common.   Just that one thing.

The Power in Numbers

A large number of humans gathered together for a single purpose is a very powerful magnet. Groups that gather to meditate for a single purpose can make miracles happen. But really, it is not a miracle. It is just one really powerful magnet simply doing what it does.

Well that’s all for today. Hope this was helpful. Happy Journeying!


If you would like to know more about attracting what you want in life, why not start with “Dusting off” you Intuition? This link will take you to an article explaining more about your intuition, and info on a free mini-course you can take.