Is a Pentagram a “Good” Symbol? Or a “Bad” Symbol?

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Simply put, a symbol is just a symbol.   Until you assign it meaning.

For example, what if you wanted to hang some pictures and you couldn’t find a hammer?  So you went out to your garden and you found a reasonable sized rock.  And you used the rock to hammer the nail in.  Then, instead of putting the rock back out in the garden, you put it into your drawer.  And then, whenever you needed a hammer, you just opened the drawer and pulled out the rock.

One day, your friend comes for a visit and is helping you in the kitchen.  She opens the drawer and finds the rock.  And so she asks…. “why on earth do you have a rock in your drawer?”   And you laugh at her and you say,… “that’s not a rock, that’s a hammer”.

Friend:  “No, I’m pretty sure that’s a rock”

You:  “But I use it as a hammer”

Now, at this point the conversation can go one of two ways, depending on the type of friend you have.  If your friend loves you and accepts you for all of your idiosyncrasies, she will likely just laugh and say, “okay.  Whatever you want.”

However, if your friend is attached to a certain type of order, and the way that things should be, she may try to get into a lengthy argument about the fact that a rock is a rock and a hammer is a hammer and never…ever… should the two be confused.

So who is right, and why?   In this simple example, it really doesn’t harm anyone to call a rock a hammer.  That is what you are using it for.   Your intention is pure.   If you were to “feel” into the situation of using a rock as a hammer it could feel light, freeing, and innovative.

Digging Deeper

Geometry, and the knowledge or use of geometry can assist in drawing energy to us, or manifesting certain things in our lives.     As an example, the structure and location of the pyramids on the planet are not an accident.   They are where they are partly because of mathematical principles.

5 people meditating together for a common good is far more powerful than one person alone.  And the magnification is not simply 5X greater.  There is an exponential effect with energy.  Because everything we do does not just affect our own selves, we affect everyone in our proximity and everyone we, individually, are connected to.

About the Pentagram Specifically..

Also, 5 people sitting together, meditating for a common good, facing each other in a circle, can be even more powerful than 5 people randomly positioned.   One could interpret that, geometrically, they were exploiting the use of the pentagram.   A five-sided star.  Where each person sits on a “tip” of the star.

Some people may say… “hey, that is a great idea.  That makes sense.  This allows for the best ability for each person to connect energetically with each other, support each other, and raise the collective vibration”.

Some people may say, “hey… wait a minute.  The pentagram is a “dark” symbol.  It is used by witches.  It is used by satan worshipers.  It is used by the illuminati.  We cannot use anything that resembles the shape of a pentagram for fear that we will somehow become infected by their evil ways, or, in the very least be seen by others as being supportive of the “dark side”.”

So who is right?  And how can we tell?

Geometry is ancient.  Older than our planet.  We did not invent geometry.  It just is.   The knowledge and use of geometry is not unlike the knowledge and ability to speak more than one language.    Speaking multiple languages is considered an asset.   If we see math and geometry as another language, then simply putting the understanding into use would be considered an asset.   Why build a crooked shed when you have the ability to get the angles right and have a perfectly square shed?    There is value in understanding and exploiting that knowledge.

The Pyramids are known to be symbols of power used by many societies, yet also used by the Illuminati

The giant pyramids that are placed strategically throughout our world were built with very specific measurements in mind.   Someone knew a lot about geometry when they built these.   And with the use of this precise geometry, one can assume that the pyramids were able to sustain some energetic quantities, or “anomalies”.

Is this a bad thing?   Or a good thing?  Well, it really depends on what you use this geometry for.  Are you using this knowledge to support you in a quest for raising the vibration of the planet and create gateways and assistance for your fellow citizens?  Or are you tapping into this power in order to be more powerful than the average human, and are you using this power to enslave or otherwise hinder others?

Sometimes we build a website.   And we get a lot of traffic going to that website.   And the people going to that website love the content and keep coming back.   And then a hacker comes along.  Redirects that website to alternate sites that they want people to see.  So when the people click on a link to go to a website that they used to know and trust, they end up with something they didn’t want or expect.

Symbols can be co-opted and used for nefarious purposes.  Does that make the symbol bad?  No.   The symbol just is.   But, because we are all connected, some of the more sensitive people on the planet will be energetically affected when they focus on a symbol that has been co-opted.    Because they will tap into the energy fields of those who also focus on that symbol.  This may be difficult for some people to handle.

What is the Solution?

What does a person do when they end up on a website they didn’t intend to land on?  Well, 99% of the time, they clue in that this is not what they wanted or intended to access, and they move on.  They understand that this probably wasn’t the intention of the website-maker and that it was probably stolen and hopefully they will be able to get it back shortly.

Expropriating Good Things and Corrupting Them to Save Money and Make Bigger Profits is Actually a Very Common Practice

Sometimes a small food company starts out making awesome products.  Products that people on a quest for eating healthy come to know and love over time.  And then that company gets to a certain size and they get an offer that they cannot refuse, and they sell their business.    And the new owner takes over and slowly but surely modifies the production process such that what a customer once knew and trusted as great quality is no longer the case.   But, of course, the new owner does not tell the customer they are doing this.   And, for awhile, you may still buy this product, unaware that the quality of the product has changed.  Until you notice that you don’t feel the same about the product.  And you wonder, “what is wrong?”  And then you find out that the product that you have come to know and trust and rely on has been changed, and the very reason you have been purchasing it has been silently taken away.   You feel betrayed.  Lied to.   You stop buying the product.    But you still fell duped.

This happens a lot more than you think.  And who has the time to “check back in” each time we make a purchase decision to make sure that nothing has changed?  We expect a certain standard from certain items so that we don’t have to think so hard about our decisions each and every time we go shopping.  We want to be able to trust quality.

Where Do We Go From Here?

This is a lesson.  This is the current state of the world.  Many things that are initially “good”, can be co-opted to represent something bad.   Which brings us back to the pentagram.  The geometry of the pentagram just is.  There is power in that formation.

How a symbol is used is very important to its meaning.   If enough people believe it to mean something that a normal person would consider negative, it can affect us when we focus on that symbol.  Part of the “dark side” idea is to take over powerful symbols and use them for darker uses.   This creates confusion for those who would otherwise use that formation for something positive.   And it can create a great deal of in-fighting among otherwise well-intentioned people because both are true: it is powerful, useful symbol, yet it now represents darkness and perhaps should be avoided.

Together we stand, divided we fall.   The more we fight amongst each other, the longer it will take us to raise the consciousness on the planet.  Both perspectives are true, depending on what angle you are looking at the issue from.  So no-one will ever actually win this argument.  At some point we simply have to accept that our perspective is true for us, but not for everyone, and simply move on.  Agree to disagree.

What About When There Is Disagreement Within a Group?

With regards to symbols in particular, there is indeed a number of problems with the use of “co-opted” symbols.   It can create confusion, especially among energy-sensitve people.  And when we use these symbols in some sort of gathering, or some sort of ceremony, it could bring an element of darkness into that ceremony.   Not because of the symbol per se, but how that symbol is impacting a member, or members of the group.

A Tactic of War

On one level, this is quite ingenious of the “dark side”… take what is good, co-opt it, and associate it with a “good” cause that you want people to be drawn to.   Some people will be drawn to the cause.  Other people will spot the underlying darkness and call the people who are drawn to the otherwise good cause naive and stupid.  Divide and conquer.  This is certainly something that is being used in full force in our media today.  Think about all of our “hot button” issues circulating in the media.  The causes generally have merit.  The surface arguments are sound.  But the underlying solution that is offered up is not healthy.

The ultimate test is, if it feels good, do it.   If it doesn’t, STOP.

If something has been corrupted to the extent that is doesn’t feel good eating it or using it… then move on and find a new solution.  New solutions are popping up every day.  Humans are incredibly resourceful and creative.  Look around, stay aware, and you will find even better solutions as old stand-bys no longer serve you.

Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree because both perspectives have merit when viewed from different angles.   Be aware that some people are more sensitive or affected by certain items or issues than others.    Everyone is unique.  Avoid your kryptonite and appreciate that others must avoid their own,